
Grant McDermott’s CV

Click here to view in the repo. Or click here to view on my website.


There are a few pre-requisites if you’d like to adapt and use this template for your own CV, mostly related to some extra LaTeX packages and fonts.

LaTeX packages

This template was built using TexLive. If you have installed the full TexLive distribution on your system, then you likely have all of the necessary packages. However, if you installed something more lightweight like TinyTex (which I personally recommend) then you will need to install a few extra libraries manually. In your terminal:

tlmgr update --self --all
tlmgr ncctools install doi fontawesome5


I use some non-standard fonts for my CV, which means two things:

  1. You have to build the CV using XeLaTex (or LuaTeX, or some other modern LaTeX compiler that supports fontspec). Regular pdfLaTeX builds will not work!
  2. You have to download and install the Yanone Kaffeesatz font family manually on your computer. (E.g. On a Mac, just click on the link above and select “Download Family”. Unzip the resulting folder, click on main .ttf file, and then it should automatically add the family to your font book.)

If dealing with non-standard fonts sounds like too much work, then you can always just comment out the relevant lines in the .tex file (search for “Yanone Kaffeesatz”). Once you’ve done this, you can probably comment out the usepackage(fontspec) line too and then just use regular pdfLaTeX, but I haven’t tested this.